Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chapter 4

Text Types and Genres

In the fourth chapter Wilson presents the idea of the range of language uses in the classroom and the importance to provide time for students to develop their language for different purposes which will then lead to developing the skills necessary for writing for different audiences and purposes. The tables presented throughout the chapter were beneficial to outlining language purposes and genre types, which I think would be beneficial for students to see, posted in the classroom for reference. Yet, I would allow the students to develop the charts in groups for ownership and meaningful learning experiences. One of the most important points made throughout this chapter is “PRACTICE” and “MODELING” teachers must model analyzing author’s purpose through the texts read and then practice writing for specific purposes as well to develop the writing skills necessary to prepare for higher academia and the real world.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I like your idea of having the students help in the creation of the charts--criterion charts. They are indeed more apt to internalize the information if they helped create it, and as they return to them to help guide their writing process.