Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chapter 2 Reading Response-Writing to Live

Writing Critically Chapter 2

Initially, I enjoyed reading the first chapter and agreed with the authors ideas to value students and strive for goals that promote social equity in the classroom. However, in the second chapter I believe this author is a bit on the extreme side of social justice and has transmitted her values and views onto her students. Not quite, sure that the student examples were true self critical analysis (student views). I believe that the teachers’ values are now being transmitted through the students work. I do agree that students should be presented with a variety of text and learn to critically analyze what they read and have the opportunity to express themselves and voice their opinions. However, I think students should be given the opportunity to self select topics of their choice and their interest versus the teacher imposing the issues of his/her satisfaction.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I loved your critique of the chapter. I do think in our role as advocates, teachers may sometimes get carried away. How can we avoid this and check ourselves?